Behind the Mask of the Curling Ninjas!
Behind the Mask of the Curling Ninjas!
The Curling Ninjas are joining the Ironman Outdoor Curling Bonspiel for their first year! When the Ironman committee saw the team name we of course wondered, who are these ninjas; will they curl ninja like and will they be the next Ironman Champions?
The team is made up of four students from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon! All four students are in their final year – Michael Moore, taking Chemical Engineering; Stephanie Kiesh, taking Microbiology; Christian Nielsen, taking Civil Engineering; Eric Green, taking Civil Engineering.
The Curling Ninjas do curl in the weekly University Curling League and are looking forward to trying their skills on the ice of the Red River.
Will they be dressed as Ninjas? Will they be stealthy and get the jump on the other teams? And will they be the next Ironman Champions?