Manager: Michael Bayle
Players: Michael Bayle, Michael Potter, William Nickel, Winston Harding, Thomas Nolte
Team type: Fund Raising
Division: 2024 Recreational
Reg status: complete
Game Pool: 5.1.7     Game times:     Friday 18:00     Saturday 11:30     Saturday 12:45  
Team WWKD stands for What Would Kevin Do? Kevin Wiebe was a "one-of-a-kind" fella who would always give a helping hand to anyone in need. Not only was he one of the founders of the Ironman Outdoor Curling event, he was a great friend. We play because of his love for his family and friends, but also his love for the sport. We'll be raising funds for HOPE Worldwide Canada Max Out Summer Day Camp for Winnipeg children.
Funds raised by Team WWKD will go to HOPE worldwide Canada - Winnipeg Chapter. Amount raised: $1833.01
The books are now closed for this year. Thanks for your support!