Event Info

The following are general instructions and tips on how to navigate your Ironman weekend and have a great time curling.

Ironman Curling Rink Location

We are located at the Redboine Boat Club (20 Churchill Drive, Winnipeg, MB), and can usually be accessed as well via the Nestawaya River Trail if you prefer travelling by foot, ski, snowshoe, or bike. Plan for safe transportation if you intend to have drinks during the event.

Free weekend parking is available along Churchill Drive and surrounding residential streets. Plan to arrive at least twenty minutes prior to your draw times to allow for any parking and registration needs.

2025 Event Location – 20 Churchill Drive (Clubhouse marked as light blue)

Team Registration

The information and registration table is located inside the Rowing Club, which is highlighted green in the figure above. All players are required to sign the event waiver prior to their first game, either online (preferred) or in person at the registration table. Show up early to finish your paperwork and to find your rink location out before your first game. It’s always best to have the waiver signed online in advance to avoid any delay.

Ironman Curling Game

Game times and locations will be posted on a draw board at the Rowing Club. Games are 6 ends or 70 minutes, and tie games go to skip stones. Tournament curling rules are provided here.

Please show up on time to your games! If a team is not ready to curl at the designated time, the following takes place:

  •  For delays of 2 to 12 minutes, the first end is considered complete and the non-offending team receives one point. The non-offending team will have choice of first or second stone in the next end of play.
  • For delays of 12 to 24 minutes, the second end is considered complete and the non-offending team receives a second point. The non-offending team will have choice of first or second stone in the next end of play.
  • After 24 minutes, the non-offending team is declared the winner by forfeit and may use the remaining ice time to practice.

Note: If the offending team shows up after the game has been forfeited, and wishes to play “for fun”,  the non-offending team decides whether a game is played or not. The game will still be recorded as a W by the non-offending team and a L by the offending team (no scores are recorded). The “for fun” game will still need to finish within 70 minutes of the originally scheduled start time. If the non-offending team does not wish to play and does not wish to use the ice time to practice, the offending team may use the ice time to practice.

Game Results

After your game, please remember to fill in your scores on the large schedule board at the ice level (and inside the clubhouse if possible).  This is the third’s responsibility, so if they forget they owe their team a round of drinks.

Food & Drink

Food and drink services will be available in the clubhouse, but alcohol is not allowed to leave the building. This is a smoke-free event, so please leave the event property if you need to “take a break”. 

Team Pictures

Our official photographer will be around during the weekend.  Be sure to get a team photo when you see them.  We will try for a group photo with everyone available on Saturday afternoon, it will be epic! Check out all our photos on our media page.

Fundraising and Donations

Every team that raises at least $1,000 for either charity will be awarded a Silver Corn Broom on Sunday during the closing ceremonies. To be eligible for the Silver Corn Broom, teams must turn in donations and pledge sheets at the registration table by 3:00pm Saturday afternoon. Donations made after 3:00 pm may not be counted towards the Silver Corn Broom award, but will still be included in your team’s total fundraising records listed on our website.

The Silver Corn Broom is a brand new fully functional traditional curling broom which can be used at our tournament every February, or proudly displaced in your home or office.

Silver Corn Broom

You can check on fundraising status for each team by clicking the Donate link on the main menu. Please help us meet our 2025 fundraising goal for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Donation Tax Receipts

For a team of four players the registration fee is $200.00. Of that, $100 is donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and the other $100 covers operational costs of the tournament. Each player’s address information is provided to the Heart & Stroke Foundation so that tax receipts can be issued. If there is only one address registered in our system then only one address will be forwarded to the charity, so make sure that all player accounts and addresses are up to date online! For any special instructions on tax receipts, please provide comments in the team comment field. For any questions or help regarding this please contact our Treasurer by email: treasurer at ironmancurling dot com

Pledge Sheets

Please make sure your name and curling team name are legible and that all contact information is complete on your pledge sheets. If we have any questions we will need to contact you for clarification.

Closing Ceremonies

The closing ceremonies will take place after all games are completed at ice level on Sunday. The closing ceremonies will involve trophy presentation to the top curling team, as well as awarding the Silver Corn Broom to the top fundraising teams and the Top Fundraisers trophy. There will be speakers, prizes, and photos, so please join us in the clubhouse once your games are done.

Social Media

Show everyone how much you enjoy and care about this event. Share your pictures and ideas of your team or your fellow curlers on social media. You can check out our stuff on our media page.

Please also tag us with @IronmanCurling or #Ironmancurling so we can find your posts.

Post Weekend Fun

Remember always lift with your knees and go slow on the ice. The old Scotsman highly recommends you book your massage or chiropractor appointment for Monday after the weekend. You won’t regret it and your body will thank you.