High School Schedules

For this tournament we are currently accepting up to 32 teams of 4 players each (with and option to add up to 2 alternate players). As we get closer to the registration deadline we may have to adjust what our maximum team count can be to put on a proper event. Several examples are shown below.

Here is the tentative High School Tournament Schedule (based on a maximum of 32 teams):

Generic High School Schedule

Draw times will be as follows (this depends on the number of teams registered):

  • 32 Teams – Pools 1 & 2: Thursday 12:00, Thursday 14:50 (2:50pm), Friday either 11:00 (Bodegoes Lunch provided around 12:15) or 12:15 (Bodegoes Lunch provided around 11:15)
  • 32 Teams – Pools 3 & 4: Thursday 13:25 (1:25pm), Thursday 16:05 (4:05), Friday either 11:00 (Bodegoes Lunch provided around 12:15) or 12:15 (Bodegoes Lunch provided around 11:15),
  • 32 Teams Pool Notes: Friday’s 3rd game time will depend on which division you are in after your first game on Thursday. If you win your first game on Thursday (stay in A division) then you will play the later shift at 12:15 on Friday (A&C divisions). If you lose your first game on Thursday (move to B division) then you will play the earlier shift at 11:00 on Friday (B&D divisions). You must win your third game (played on Friday) to carry on to playoffs at 13:45 (1:45pm). If you lose your third game you probably have time to return to your Friday classes for the afternoon, so this is an important game to win if you want to guarantee the afternoon off of school.
  • 32 Teams Division Playoffs: Friday 13:45 (1:45pm) Semi-Finals & Friday 15:00 (3:00pm) Finals. Awards and prizes will follow at 16:30 (4:30pm) once all playoff games are completed. We hope to have some prizes for all teams that make it to the Semi-Finals, and a school banner will be available at the event (to be hung at their school at a later date) for the top team who goes undefeated!

OR (if up to 16 teams register):

Generic High School Schedule

  • 16 Teams – Pools 1 & 2: Friday 9:00, Friday 10:30, (Bodegoes Lunch provided around 11:45), Friday 13:00 (1pm)
  • 16 Teams Note: Playoff Finals on Friday at 14:30 (2:30pm). Awards and prizes will follow around 16:00 (4:00pm) once all playoff games are completed.

OR (if up to 8 teams register):

Generic High School Schedule

  • 8 Teams – Pool 1: Friday 10:00, Friday 11:30, (Bodegoes Lunch provided around 12:45), Friday 14:00 (2pm)
  • 8 Teams Note: Playoffs are not required for 8 teams so we will have the awards and prizes on Friday around 15:30 (3:30pm) once all games are completed.

Special Note: We ask that all teams registered to play keep an open schedule for the Thursday & Friday (as shown above) until we finalize the draws the weekend before the event (notices will go out by Monday to confirm your team’s times). If more teams sign up than we can schedule to play, the additional teams will be placed on a waiting list (based on date/time of registration) to fill in for a fully registered/paid team should they become unavailable for any last minute reason (no refunds if cancelling within 3 days of event).

Don’t wait, Register Your Team NOW!