Our Sponsors

Become a Sponsor

Title Sponsor

Our title sponsor helps us put on this amazing community event. Watch for their curling team and say hello !
Nirvana Waterworks

Media Sponsor

Our official media sponsor helps us advertise our event which helps bring in additional donations to charity.
CBC Manitoba

Beer Garden Sponsor

Our official beer garden sponsor helps us bring you the official Ironman Patch, a place to have a drink, meet other participants and share stories or tell tales of that incredible shot from one of your games.

Gold Sponsors

This event could not run without the financial support all of our generous sponsors.

Silver Sponsors

This event could not run without the financial support all of our generous sponsors.

Bronze Sponsors

This event could not run without the financial support all of our generous sponsors.

Hog Line Ads

One advertising option is with our hog line ads. We have room for four hog line ads per sheet.

House Button Ads

Another advertising option is with our house button ads. We have room for two house button ads per sheet.

Rock Handle Ads

This advertising option may arguably have the best visibility. We have room for two rock handle ads per sheet of ice (i.e. 8 rocks per team = same ad on each rock).

Friends of Ironman Curling

Nothing happens without the support of Friends! The Ironman Outdoor Curling is no different. Many of our Friends help our event take place by providing supplies or services that Ironman needs to run the event at either a reduced rate or free to Ironman. Does your company have something that would benefit our event or make it easier for our volunteers to put on the event - we'd love for you to be our new best Friend!