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Create Team

If you are here to create a team (not a high school team), you will need to first log in. Once you login the Create Team Form will appear below and the navigation links to manage your team will activate so you can edit your team & add teammates, pay registration fees, and select game times. Your team name must be unique among Ironman teams — here are some tips and ideas for selecting a team name.

Once you create your team, you’ll find a link on the home page to all the teams including yours. Picture: Email us a picture if you want it included on your team page.

Fund Raising: Your team will pay any required registration fees to register your team, part of which will go to your chosen charity. Donations made in the name of your team will go to your chosen charity.

Volunteering: Your team is made up of volunteers and does not have to pay the registration fee (you will need a volunteer code from the Ironman committee to complete your team registration). Donations made in the name of your team will go to your chosen charity.

Sponsored: Your team represents a sponsor partner, and does not have to pay the registration fee (you will need a sponsor code from the Ironman committee to complete your team registration). Donations made in the name of your team will go to your chosen charity.

High School Tournament (NEW!): Your team represents a Manitoba high school and you could be playing against other teams from your high school or from other high school teams from around the province! The first 32 high school teams to pay get in and the high school team that goes undefeated will take a championship banner back to their high school for permanent display. Registration details can be found online here and it is not necessary to login to register a High School team. Any charity fundraising is optional (but always appreciated) and any donations made in the name of your team (if fundraising) will go to your chosen charity.

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